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Bundala National Park

Bundala National Park

A Breathtaking Haven for Migratory Birds Bundala National Park

Bundala National Park is a stunning complex of waterways, lagoons, and dunes that shine like gold in the evening sun. This sanctuary is home to numerous birds of different colours and sizes, ranging from tiny bee-eaters to huge, open-billed stalks. It is a wetland refuge of such significance that it has been recognized under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. The park is home to many large mammals, including between 15 and 60 elephants depending on the season, with December being the best month to spot them.

Within its 62 sq km area, the park houses almost 200 species of birds, many of which migrate from Siberia and the Rann of Kutch in India to winter here between August and April (with December to March being the peak time). The greater flamingo also makes Bundala its winter home, with up to 2000 recorded here at one time.

Bundala is also home to civets, giant squirrels, and many crocodiles. Between October and January, four of Sri Lanka’s five species of marine turtles (olive ridley, green, leatherback, and loggerhead) lay their eggs on the coast.

Bundala is a beautiful coastal strip that runs for almost 20 km between Kirinda and Hambantota. The entrance to the park is located to the west of the 251 km post. There is a visitor centre at the main gate that offers stunning views of the marshes. Visitors can also see the skeleton of an enormous crocodile, which is sure to captivate them.



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