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Kandy perahera 2024

Kandy Esala Perahera 2024

Kandy Esala Perahera 2024, Buddhist Literature depicts numerous celebrations and festivals that are held in great reverence to Lord Buddha. The perahara pageant has its origins in India, during the reign of Emperor Asoka. The Kandy Perahara pageant is a display of traditional customs, most of which are intertwined with Buddhist and Hindu religious customs.

The customs of the Sinhala culture are of great value and significance. Most of these customs are based on the descriptions in the book “Dantha Dhathu Charitha” or “Dalada Siritha”. This book explains the customs related to the sacred Tooth Relic, written during the reign of Parakramabahu IV (1302-1326) of Kurunagala.

The Dalada Siritha

The Dalada Siritha lists 38 statutes to be followed for a Perahara pageant. According to these statutes, the Shrine Room of the Sacred Tooth Relic must be cleaned at an auspicious hour. Canopies should be set up and decorated beautifully with various silk clothes. On the 7th day, the king’s ministers and the public should offer rice, flowers, and oil lamps.. On the same day, the city should be decorated like heaven in the evening. The chief priests of Uttara Mula Sect, along with personnel of two castes, Ganavesi and Kilin, should carry the Sacred Relic casked with utmost veneration. Visit Sri lanka for Kandy Esala Perahera 2024

The Kandy Esala Perahera 2024 Time Table

  • 1st Kumbal Perahera 10th August 2024
  • 2nd Kumbal Perahera 11th August 2024
  • 03rd Kumbal Perahera 12th August 2024
  • 04th Kumbal Perahera 13th August 2024
  • 05th Kumbal Perahera 14th August 2024
  • 01st Randoli Perahera 15th August 2024
  • 02nd Randoli Perahera 16th August 2024
  • 03rd Randoli Perahera 17th August 2024
  • 04th Randoli Perahera 18th August 2024
  • Final Randoli Perahera (The Grand Randoli Procession) 19th August 2024
  • The water-cutting ceremony ( Diya Kapeema) on 20th August 2024
  • Day Perahera 20th August 2024

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